Tuesday, November 19, 2013


1.) Because no one really remembers the importance and meaning of Abrahams speech.

Monday, November 18, 2013

BR- 11/18
I think if people want to have prayer, they have a right to have it when and where they want. I myself am a Christian and no one or law will stop me from having prayer wherever and whenever. Having prayer does not force everyone around to partake in it, so I see no harm by taking it upon yourself to pray publicly. We all have a right to religion and prayer is in some peoples religion, so I don't see how the government or anyone else can take away that right.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


1.) I think they should be allowed to continue interacting with the animals.
2.) It should be the trainers choice and risk whether or not to interact with the whales. It is the parks main attraction and they are taking their own risks just like other things people take risks in.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Debate for November 8, 2013.
Should organ donations be mandatory ?

Pro: They made a good point b y saying that you won't need your organs when you die. It would save tons of lives if people donated their organs after death.

Con: They made a good point by saying it's against some peoples religion to donate their bodies after death, so some people might get offended by having to do so.

My Questions:
For the pro side: What if everyone donated their organs when they died, wouldn't there be some going to waste ?

For the con side: Why does it matter what happens to your organs after death, wouldn't you want to help someone even after you've died?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BR 11/6

1: I don't see the problem in keeping the store open that long. it will give some employers extra money for the upcoming holidays. If a employee doesn't want to work that day they can just use a vacation day and take off to spend the day with their families. Also it's a good opportunity to get good deals for the holidays.

2: It's different here because we frown upon gays and how they cant get married and things like that. However, in Russia they are standing up for it and expressing their feelings towards the whole situation.

Monday, November 4, 2013


1.) I think it will reduce the number of voters, which will be harder to elect any form of officers.
2.) Yeah, the voters can vote without a valid ID and have up to six days after voting to present a valid ID, so telling the man he can't vote is going against his voting rights.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Debate: 11/1. Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?

Pro Side: The pro side made a good point by listing all the things 18 year olds can do that are far worse than drinking. They pointed out that it would be safer because they wouldn't have to sneak alcohol in dangerous situations.

Con Side: The con side made a good point by saying that most teens get their license when they're 16, so they have little experience behind the wheel and that drinking would make it more dangerous on the roads. Also depression is high in teens, so a lot turn to drinking which lead to bad decisions and bad health.

My Questions:
Affirmative: By lowering the drinking age does this require more responsibility ?
Negative: By keeping the age, do you feel it will put a stop to underage drinking eventually ?


1.) No it was not justifiable. The teen was just having fun and being safe.
2.) This says people are stupid and rude.