Thursday, February 27, 2014

BR 2-27-14

1.) It seems that the sports take up more time than the academics, they're part of the school, but are more on the athlete side than the student side.

2.) I think college athletes should get paid, but not an outrageous amount, it should be reasonable and I think any outstanding student in college who goes beyond the required academics should be rewarded in some way.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BR 2/11/14

My plan is to make it a law that all kids grades 9-12 are required to get 30 minutes of physical activity during school every other school day. The state of South Carolina's Health and Education systems will pay for the equipment needed to follow this law.

Monday, February 10, 2014

BR 2-10-14

1.) More than a third of teenagers in grades 9-12 do not get the recommended amount of physical activity daily.
2.) About 2.8 million people die a year due to being obese or excessively overweight.
3.) In the past thirty yer=ars, the amount of children dealing with obesity has more than doubled.

I'm representing the state of South Carolina.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

BR 2-5-14

I think they should be allowed to restrict certain items that don't pertain to food, but if it's healthy foods than they shouldn't because certain people eat certain things and allergies might affect what and what not people can eat, so I think if it has to do with food then it should be ok to buy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BR 2-4-14

1.) I would choose to borrow money, 1 million dollars, and repay the country by not making them pay for sales tax, while they shopped, for two years.

2.) I would choose a volunteer army and you would have to be at least 16 and not over 60, that is all.

3.) I'd send their mail through FedEx with free shipping.

4.) I would choose the treaty with Bridgeport.