Thursday, October 31, 2013

Assignment for 10/30

For my first cartoon I chose the "What Obama meant to say". I think this symbolizes the Obama care that was supposed to be the new health care and that everyone had to get it. I think he's saying "If I like your healthcare you can keep it" because he was going to make everyone get Obama care whether they liked it or not.

For my second cartoon I chose the "A rock and an expensive place, color". Again I think it symbolizes the Obama care. It would be better to get a rock than have to pay for Obama care. The cartoon looks like a remake of a Charlie Brown episode.

For my third cartoon I chose the "Great Bumpkin color". I think most of them deal with Obama care and how we were going to be forced to replace our previous healthcare with the new Obama care. The Charlie Brown reference is good because people believed they could keep their healthcare plan that they liked, but found out they might have to change it according to Obama.

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