Monday, December 9, 2013


1.) I don't think they should be able to because it should be the same as an officer having to have a warrant to search your house and belongings.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1.) I think in America, the woman would have won the case.
2.) I think the father is a douche bag and if anyone should have to pay it should be the man because he was judgmental and unaccepting.

Monday, December 2, 2013

BR. 12/2

1.) I think they should have their voting rights stripped while there are in prison or jail.
2.) I think when they get out they should be able to vote again because they deserve a second chance, but if they get in trouble again then they should have them permanently stripped of their right to vote.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


1.) Because no one really remembers the importance and meaning of Abrahams speech.

Monday, November 18, 2013

BR- 11/18
I think if people want to have prayer, they have a right to have it when and where they want. I myself am a Christian and no one or law will stop me from having prayer wherever and whenever. Having prayer does not force everyone around to partake in it, so I see no harm by taking it upon yourself to pray publicly. We all have a right to religion and prayer is in some peoples religion, so I don't see how the government or anyone else can take away that right.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


1.) I think they should be allowed to continue interacting with the animals.
2.) It should be the trainers choice and risk whether or not to interact with the whales. It is the parks main attraction and they are taking their own risks just like other things people take risks in.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Debate for November 8, 2013.
Should organ donations be mandatory ?

Pro: They made a good point b y saying that you won't need your organs when you die. It would save tons of lives if people donated their organs after death.

Con: They made a good point by saying it's against some peoples religion to donate their bodies after death, so some people might get offended by having to do so.

My Questions:
For the pro side: What if everyone donated their organs when they died, wouldn't there be some going to waste ?

For the con side: Why does it matter what happens to your organs after death, wouldn't you want to help someone even after you've died?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BR 11/6

1: I don't see the problem in keeping the store open that long. it will give some employers extra money for the upcoming holidays. If a employee doesn't want to work that day they can just use a vacation day and take off to spend the day with their families. Also it's a good opportunity to get good deals for the holidays.

2: It's different here because we frown upon gays and how they cant get married and things like that. However, in Russia they are standing up for it and expressing their feelings towards the whole situation.

Monday, November 4, 2013


1.) I think it will reduce the number of voters, which will be harder to elect any form of officers.
2.) Yeah, the voters can vote without a valid ID and have up to six days after voting to present a valid ID, so telling the man he can't vote is going against his voting rights.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Debate: 11/1. Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?

Pro Side: The pro side made a good point by listing all the things 18 year olds can do that are far worse than drinking. They pointed out that it would be safer because they wouldn't have to sneak alcohol in dangerous situations.

Con Side: The con side made a good point by saying that most teens get their license when they're 16, so they have little experience behind the wheel and that drinking would make it more dangerous on the roads. Also depression is high in teens, so a lot turn to drinking which lead to bad decisions and bad health.

My Questions:
Affirmative: By lowering the drinking age does this require more responsibility ?
Negative: By keeping the age, do you feel it will put a stop to underage drinking eventually ?


1.) No it was not justifiable. The teen was just having fun and being safe.
2.) This says people are stupid and rude.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Assignment for 10/30

For my first cartoon I chose the "What Obama meant to say". I think this symbolizes the Obama care that was supposed to be the new health care and that everyone had to get it. I think he's saying "If I like your healthcare you can keep it" because he was going to make everyone get Obama care whether they liked it or not.

For my second cartoon I chose the "A rock and an expensive place, color". Again I think it symbolizes the Obama care. It would be better to get a rock than have to pay for Obama care. The cartoon looks like a remake of a Charlie Brown episode.

For my third cartoon I chose the "Great Bumpkin color". I think most of them deal with Obama care and how we were going to be forced to replace our previous healthcare with the new Obama care. The Charlie Brown reference is good because people believed they could keep their healthcare plan that they liked, but found out they might have to change it according to Obama.


1.) I think the letter is a bit harsh, instead of saying those things the woman could just hand out healthy snacks. The letter could damage a kids self esteem and piss off a parent.
2.) She has a right of speech, however, she can abuse that by being harsh to kids that she's handing out candy to.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment for 10/29/13 =)

1.) Why does the guy in the yellow shirt want a high five?
Use of images or Artistic Techniques

2.)Who does the guy in the yellow represent?
Subject of the cartoon

3.) Who does the elephant represent?
Subject of the cartoon

4.) Why is the cop arresting the elephant?
Message of the cartoon

5.) Why is the capital turned over?
Message of the cartoon

1.) I think it's unfair because not everyone is built the same so some people are more fit than other people.
2.) Not necessarily your height also plays a part in it and your muscles.
3.) I would look at their BMIs rather than the measurement of their neck and stomach.

Monday, October 28, 2013


1.) I think the flag today that people have on their items is meant for something else. A lot of people don't know what it really stands for, so they make their own reason for it.
2.) I think the guys opinion is right because people today fly that flag for different reasons than what it really stands for and I think if they knew the actual reason than they wouldn't support that flag anymore.
3.) I think there is still an issue because people around here sometimes use it to express that they are rebels and some people use it to express that they are racist, both of which are not good reasons to support the confederate flag.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Assignment for Oct. 25

Based on your responses, YOU are a…   Disaffected

Along with 11% of the public

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


1.) I think it's kind of pointless. The men shouldn't have messed with the rock and instead told someone about the sturdiness of the rock.
2.) No, they shouldn't because they were trying to make the area a little more safe for the kids and families that visit the national park. However they should have told park officials rather than trying to take care of the problem themselves.

Monday, October 21, 2013


1.) People are so addicted to their devices because they provide a lot to do.
2.) Yes I would be able to survive without my device I'm not that attached.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hopefully the government can get itself out of debt. We have trillions of dollars to raise.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dorothy Hodgekin born May 12, 1912.  Father was an archaeologist. She wanted to take chemistry courses. Went to Oxford for school and combined archeology and chemistry for a brief time. Became a university lecturer. All three kids went into educational fields. She died of a stroke.

1.) I don't think the girls should be charged, because there were more girls involved in the bullying and who aren't getting charged. However they should get punished somehow because of their actions so that they can learn from it and so that it doesn't happen again.
2.) A misdemeanor is a not so serious crime, and a felony is a serious crime.
3.) Kid's need more discipline and friendship building skills.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

-Betty Williams cofounder of community of peace people, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976
-Emmeline Pankhurst born July 14, 1888. Married Richard Pankhurst. Arrested for hunger strikes. 1913, government passed the Cat and Mouse Act. Prisoners were released. Died after British women were granted rights.
-Helena Rubinstein 1953 established the Helena Rubinstein Foundation that provided funds to organizations specializing in health, rehabilitation and medical research.
Edward Jenner. Began studying research on surgery when he was 14. Moved back to hometown and began putting pus in small children to cure them and it did work. Made the word vaccine.

A janitor tried to pay two fourth graders to beat up a nine year old. It never happened and the janitor was fired and is now looking for a job.

People were protesting the closing of war memorials because of the government shutdown.

Friday, October 11, 2013


1.) No it's unfair and the people who owe it need to take responsibility for it
2) Yellowstone because it is very pretty and I'd like to take pictures of it.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


1.) That people don't care about voting that much anymore.
2.) I would try and interest people in voting again.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


1.) I think people have a right to donate as much money as they want to a campaign. If they support it then they have a right to put money into it.
2.) If there is a limit on how much money you can put into a campaign then some people wouldn't get the chance to contribute to it.
3.) No, if a person earns money then they have a right to spend it however they want.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I think it kind of should, but at the same time no because its always been that name. They're not using it as a racial slur or to make fun of Indians. It's simply the team name and you would think that they would honor their own teams name. On the other hand if Indians are offended by it then we should change it to make them feel comfortable.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to Grandchild

I graduated High School and went to college to become a famous photographer. I had a side job going on missions and helping with disasters. On my travels I took pictures of everything I saw and reported it back to my home. My pictures and involvement in missionary work helped raise awareness of issues across the world. Many people wanted to help out and soon began an organization in our community. I helped families and friends across the world and made a difference in many peoples lives who also took the help and made differences in other peoples lives. The chain went on and on and continues to help everyone it can.


1.) It sort of says that we aren't careful enough if we can't even catch a nine year old kid sneaking onto a plane.
2.) I'm not really surprised because a lot of crazy stuff goes on today in  the world, but at the same time I'm a little surprised because as the world progresses so does security so you think that they would catch the kid.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1.) What is a government shutdown ?
2.) How come everyone knows about this, but me ?
3.) Are me and Liz the only ones who don't know what a government shutdown is ?

This is so confusing like omg someone help.

Monday, September 30, 2013


They all involve terrorists. All of them are from the 90s and today is 90s day.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I don't think they can blame the video games for the reason the man killed all those people. Like the article said, millions of people play video games everyday for more than 16 hours and there would be a lot more violence everyday if video games was the cause. I think people could limit theirselves their gaming time however and it could possitively affect their mood.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


1.) A. They wanted to prevent suicide. B. They wanted to confirm student safety. C. They prevent violence and bullying between students.
2.) Not really because if you post it on the internet it's for everyone to see so the schools are just monitoring for good reasons.
3.) I wouldn't mind because I have nothing to hide and I don't talk about drugs, violence, etc.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


1.) I don't really know.
2.) Failure

The nation remembers the50th anniversary of the 4 girls who died in a bombing of the 16th street Baptist Church in Birmingham.

1.)  America is very racist and will say the first thing that  comes to mind. It shows on the tweets that half of the people don't even know what they are talking about, but try to insult the girl anyways.
2.) I guess so, but people are still rude and racist so it kind of defeats the purpose.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


1.) I guess people without jobs aren't asking for jobless benefits as much.
2.) sure

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I don't think the goverment should have the ability to watch our every move. I do think they should keep an eye open for suspicious acts. But I don't think they have to pointlessly watch and hear everything we say and do. It's annoying actually, there's a difference in securing our country and being snoopy. They should only be allowed to look so far into what we do before it becomes invasion of privacy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1.) No, it's called the dollar menu for a reason.
2.)Yup, I suppose.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

B.R- 9/4

1.)Whatever degree makes them happy and that they would enjoy doing.
2.)How many kids earned a degree in something they were interested in rather than how much the job in that category will pay.
3.)It won't.

1.) Yes because they shouldn't be able to hack into your private information.
2.)I've never in my life read the terms and conditions or met anyone who has !
3.)Sure, I guess.

Friday, August 30, 2013

B.R - 8/30

I thought that it was unfair for the black people to leave. If the woman felt threatened she should have left the restaurant. She was just being ridiculous.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I have a Dream Assignment

I think what he meant is the he has a dream that the colored kids and white kids will look at each other as equals. Also that they will be able to play together without judging one another or without their parents having problems with it.
BR- 8/29/13
1.) 100 years later the slaves are still not free.
2.) Declaration of Indepence was a promise that negros and whites would be granted rights and the pursuite of happiness.
3.) Now is the time to make real the promises of Democracy.
4.) The Emancipation Procalmation came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves.
5.) "As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead."
6.) "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
7.) I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
8.) Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.
9.) We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.
10.) I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1. Maybe because of the awful crime they commited, but similar crimes have happened and the suspects didn't get tried as adults when maybe they should have.
2. I think the public have a right to know who they are.
3. I guess teenagers should be disciplined more so that they don't think about doing things like that.