Monday, April 14, 2014

BR 4-14-14

I am going to college to become a photographer/missionary.
The annual pay is lowest 18,000 and highest 129,000

Thursday, April 10, 2014

BR 4-10-14

1.) Food-$300-because obviously it's essential to living
2.) Dish-$50-because Walking Dead
3.) Clothes-$100-because I'm not a nudist
4.) Internet-$50-because I need twitter

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BR 4-8-14

President Obama signed something to strengthen equal pay rights. He wants to make it fair to everyone to get equal pay. Regardless of race, sex, or religion no one can be paid more than one another.

Monday, April 7, 2014

You got 18 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 72 %
BR 4-7-14

1.) They should be taught English.
2.) They should show community service.
3.) They shouldn't have a major criminal background.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Homework 4-2-14

1.) A man is holding a sign, he seems to have no place to work.
2.) This is the time of the Great Depression when a lot of African Americans were fired and without work.
3.) He looks tired, and exhausted from holding the sign all day.
4.) I think today you still see discrimination like this because some places still tend to hire whites over African Americans for jobs.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BR 4-2-14

I think the hardest part of the discrimination project will be having to remember to ask for everything.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Notes 4-1-14

  • Heterogeneous means a mix of dissimilar things, but in social studies it means having a bunch of different people or cultures.
  • Immigrants are people from different countries, they are assumed to be legal.
  • We are here due to migration of our ancestors.
  • A reservation is public land given to the Native Americans by the United States government because the government took their original land to compensate them we gave them land that wasn't wanted by anyone else.
  • A refugee is someone who flees from their country or homeland for their protection.
  • An Assimilation means to change yourself and your culture to adapt to a different culture.
  • The population of the US is mostly white-today.
  • Population that has grown are African American, Hispanic, Asian, and  Native American. They have grown at rates higher that the white population.
  • More females than males.
  • African Americans : There is so much focus on discrimination against African Americans because they have been victims of consistent and unjust treatment for a longer time, they constitute a huge minority group in the U.S 14% of all Americans, most of the games in the nation has made in translating the Constitution's guarantees of equality.
  • Native Americans: When American settlers arrived in American settlers brought diseases that hurt the Indian population and also political agendas that eventually sent them westward to live. The American settlers brought diseases with them.
  • Hispanic Americans= have a Spanish-speaking background, they can be any race, they are the largest minority group in the U.S.-50 million. Divided into four main subgroups.
  • Asian Americans= Chinese laborers were the first Asians to come to America in large numbers in the 1850s and 60s. During this time a major wave of immigration was starting, also we were building railroads.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882-80 years.
  • WWII-all Japanese were evacuated to the Pacific Coast, even Native born. They were put into concentration camps.
  • Congress eventually admitted this was wrong and unjust and it is now illegal to evacuate certain races.
Section 3:
  • Those who oppose civil rights often believe you can't change morality by passing a law.
  • Dr. King "Judicial decrees...may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless".
  • 1870s-1950s- No meaningful legislation passed in regards to civil rights.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: passed after the longest debate in senate history, 83 days straight. Made changes: 1.) Voting provisions. 2.) Public Services(restaurants, hotels, theaters.) could no longer deny access based on race, religion, national origin physical disability. 3.) Federal funding programs could not discriminate for those reasons listed above. 4.) Employers and labor unions also could not discriminate.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968- Open Housing Act- cannot refuse renting or selling a living space to a person due to any form of discrimination. Housing is still one of the most segregated areas in American life today.
  • Title 9- forbids discrimination on the basis of gender and any educational program or program regarding financial assistance. Equal funding and opportunities must be given to women athletics.
  • Affirmative Action: requires employers take positive steps to fix the affects of past discrimination.
  • Employers must meet quotas for minority groups genders.
  • Many argue this results in reverse discrimination against the majority, they are denied opportunities so minority groups have more opportunities.
  • California, Washington, Michigan, and Nebraska voters passed measures to eliminate all affirmative actions plans.
  • The Bakke Case: Allan Bakke sued the University of California because he was denied access to their medical school due to Affirmative Action. He won the case. Since then the Court has made decisions regarding similar cases, quotas can be used when needed.
  • Justice Sandra Day O'Connor predicts in 25 years, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary.
Section 4:
  • An American citizen is a person that swears allegiance to the U.S. and to it's protection and privileges of its laws.
  • Before the 1860s, citizenship was not important to people living in the United Stated- immigration was at an all-time high and little was done to distinguish citizens and noncitizens.
  • the 14th amendment finally gave a constitutional definition to what was an immigrant (1868) "All persons born or naturalized in the U.S. and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the U.S. and of the state wherein they reside."
  • The constitution declares that a person becomes and American citizen one of two ways: By birth: 90% are citizens by birth. Citizenship by Naturalization-legal process by which a person can become a citizen of another country at some time after birth. Congress makes the regulations and rules, approve the citizenship tests. Normally it is a self decision.
  • Entire groups can be granted citizenship through en masse which is when the U.S gains a new territory.  Nationalized by a treaty or an act and don't have to take the citizenship test.
  • You can decide whether or not you want to no longer be an American citizen.
  • Expatriation is when someone voluntarily gives up being a U.S. citizen.
  • Congress can not take away your citizenship. You can lose it through denaturalization- only occurs by a court order and only after it has been shown that the person became an American citizen through fraud or deception.
  • Marriage: does not make a person a citizen, it only shortens the time of the naturalization process.
  • Congress has the power to decide who arrives and leaves the country.
  • Quotas for immigration limit the number of territory you can have coming into the U.S.
  • Immigration Act of 1965 did away of the immigration quota, up to 270,000 immigrants are allowed into the U.S each year- preference given to immediate family of someone in the U.S
  • Today we allow 675,000 immigrants into the U.S each year, special preferences are still given, and those with occupational talents are given special preference.
  • Some people are denied entrance based on their characteristic: criminals, mentally ill who might be a harm, etc.
  • Deportation-legal process by which aliens are required to leave the country.
  • Biggest reasons are: illegal immigrant, conviction of a serious crime.
  • The government can deport anyone who isn't a citizen, there's not trial they can make them leave immediately.

BR 4-1-14

Yes I think it should be mandatory because it would be safer. I think this would prevent more people from obviously backing up into things and running over things. A lot of small animals get right under the tires of cars, and I think with this system it could also help that problem. I don't see a problem in having this system, it should be installed in all vehicles especially bigger ones whose back windows are harder to see out of.

Monday, March 31, 2014

BR 3-31-14

Yes I still think racism is a problem in 2014. I don't think it's as bad as it used to be, but it's still seen everywhere you go.

Monday, March 24, 2014

BR 3-24-14

In Guinea an outbreak of Ebola has been spreading and has already killed 59 people. Symptoms of this disease include: Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Fever. The disease can not be identified and symptoms were observed last month. Medecins Sans Frontieres is reinforcing its medical and logistics teams in Guinea in response to the epidemic.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Notes 3-20-14

  • The inferior courts were created to function beneath the Supreme Court to handle most of the cases tried in the federal court.
  • 677 judges handle more than 350,000 cases per year- 80% of the federal caseload.
  • There are 94 district courts
  • FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court- meet in secret and are entitled to secret search warrants.
  • If you are an alien terrorist it means you are a terrorist from another country.
  • District courts hear both criminal and civil cases.
  • Civil cases are people suing one another and businesses while criminal cases deal with crime against one another.
  • A few of the cases go to higher courts if losing parties appeal the ruling.
  • Each district has a court of appeals (12) plus 1 court for the Federal Circuit.
  • Normally 3-judge panels.
  • A federal trial court- only tries civil cases that arise out of the nation's customs and other trade related laws.
BR 3-20-14

Judicial Activism.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Assignment for 3-19-14

Breyer, Stephen Gerald (Nominated by Bill Clinton)
BR 3-19-14

I don't think we should be involved because it isn't our people and we have our own problems to worry about. ALIENS ARE THE EXPLANATION. Just kidding I don't know.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

BR 3-18-14

1.) Russia wants to claim Crimea as part of itself.
2.) No, I do not think we should get involved if it isn't a part of the U.S.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


1.) I think there should be a wider limit on who can receive the medication and who can't. The limitation they have now is pretty narrow, so no I don't think they should put profit before people because without the people they can not profit.

2.) I think it should be up to the company as a whole to decide and I think the government could have some say in it, but they shouldn't be able to make the final decision.

1.) It's important to maybe raise taxes on higher-income earners, so that we earn more money to get out of debt.
2.) I guess the more rich people will benefit the most.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

We're going to miss Mr. Grady because he's the best !

Notes 3-5-14

  • The executive branch: Prez, vice prez, and his cabinet. The Prez chooses his cabinet.
  • The Prez carries out the laws and is head of the executive branch.
  • Roles of the Prez: Chief of state- the head of the government. Chief Executive- power domestically and abroad. Chief Administrator- manager of the executive branch. Chief Diplomat- head of foreign policy. Head of military, cannot declare war. Main author of public policy, makes up congressional agenda. Leader of his party.
  • Qualifications: Natural born citizen, at least 35, lived within the U.S. for at least 14 years. JFK was the youngest president ever elected.
  • The Presidential Term: 4 years, originally no formal limit on the term, George
    Washington set the precedent-refused to seek a third term. FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office. 22nd amendment Prohibits you from serving 2 years or 10 years.
  • Presidential Pay: Determined by congress, 400,000, cannot not be changed during a presidential term, cannot receive any other pay for work. Extras: Mansion, Air Force One, Personal Bodyguard, Camp David(Vacation spot), Health Care(Continues after he is President), Armored car.
Important Slides:
1.) The 25th amendment made it law that if the Prez died the Vice Prez would become the new Prez.
2.)If the Prez is disabled and unable to proceed taking over, The Prez informs congress to discharge his duties and the Vice Prez takes over until the Prez is better and able to resume duties.
3.)The Vice Prez has little power, but can preside over the Senate and help decide the question of Presidential Disability.
4.)Nixon replaced Spiro with General Ford.
5.) Same number of senators and house of representatives.
6.)Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson each tied with votes, and had to revote.
7.) The reaction to the Election of 1800 lead to separation of the Vice Prez and Prez elections.

    National Convention:
1.) Called every four years to officially nominate presidential candidates.
2.) Do three things: Introduce candidates to the nation, Adopt a party platform (Ideas, beliefs of the party), Stir up popular support (Stir up excitement for the election).
3.) Began in early 1900s as a reaction to party boss dominated politics.
4.) Two different types: Delegate selection primary, Candidate preference primary.
5.) Began as winner takes all (if you win the state you get the delegates)
6.) Caucuses are meetings of a political party which gather to pick delegates to the national convention.
7.) The convention schedule: 1rst day: speeches, getting to know what's up, 2nd day: Adopt a platform, pump up speeches, talk in favor for the party, 3rd day: Select the Vice Presidential Candidate, 4th day: Select the Presidential Nominee. Each delegate states who won his vote. Candidate chosen gives an acceptance speech.
8.) Nominee Characteristics: Nominated, usually have a long run of political experience, recently governorship has been important, usually protestants from large states, good speakers who seem to have stable family lives and healthy appearances
Section 1.)
 The presidents job description is what the president does during his term of office.
He is the chief of state meaning he is the boss of the people. He is the most powerful office in the world. He is the director of the Executive Branch. Main Architect of foreign policy. Leader of the nations armed forces, he gives congress an agenda, leader of the political party. Representative of all the people of America. 400,000. Qualifications: Natural born citizen, 35 years old, must be a resident of 14 years in U.S. before running for election.

Section 2.)
Presidential Succession:
     If the president dies the Vice President takes over. This has happened nine times. Presidential Act of 1947. If there were still a president, but the Vice President dies then the President selects a new vice president and is voted on by the majority of the house.

Section 4.)
Presidential Nominations:
     They start out by going to fundraiser, and then later they go to a national convention. The National Convention is where two parties vote on who they want for their presidential and vice presidential elections.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

BR 3-5-14

Vice President, Speaker of the House, then it goes down the line based on position.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

BR 2-27-14

1.) It seems that the sports take up more time than the academics, they're part of the school, but are more on the athlete side than the student side.

2.) I think college athletes should get paid, but not an outrageous amount, it should be reasonable and I think any outstanding student in college who goes beyond the required academics should be rewarded in some way.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BR 2/11/14

My plan is to make it a law that all kids grades 9-12 are required to get 30 minutes of physical activity during school every other school day. The state of South Carolina's Health and Education systems will pay for the equipment needed to follow this law.

Monday, February 10, 2014

BR 2-10-14

1.) More than a third of teenagers in grades 9-12 do not get the recommended amount of physical activity daily.
2.) About 2.8 million people die a year due to being obese or excessively overweight.
3.) In the past thirty yer=ars, the amount of children dealing with obesity has more than doubled.

I'm representing the state of South Carolina.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

BR 2-5-14

I think they should be allowed to restrict certain items that don't pertain to food, but if it's healthy foods than they shouldn't because certain people eat certain things and allergies might affect what and what not people can eat, so I think if it has to do with food then it should be ok to buy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BR 2-4-14

1.) I would choose to borrow money, 1 million dollars, and repay the country by not making them pay for sales tax, while they shopped, for two years.

2.) I would choose a volunteer army and you would have to be at least 16 and not over 60, that is all.

3.) I'd send their mail through FedEx with free shipping.

4.) I would choose the treaty with Bridgeport.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Bellringer 1-31-14

No I wouldn't build something that would harm the environment since we already harm the environment enough.

Friday, January 17, 2014

BR 1-17-14

I feel like the injury was just an accident and that the boy was just excited to get the winning point that he threw his helmet in the air as a sign of celebration. I think it's ridiculous for the coach to sue because thew kid obviously didn't mean to throw his helmet on the guy's foot.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


The Senate
The Upper House of Congress
Intended to not be bound totally by popular opinion
Represent       entire state                               
A continuous body:   there is never a time where all seats are up for election     
Term Length:            6 years                       
Term Limit:        no limit                              
Originally elected by   state legislature                                         
17 Amendment changed procedures to election by voters.
Before this amendment the Senate was nicknamed the       millionaires club                          due too the purchasing of seats.
Only one senator for each state is elected at any given election
Exceptions    death and retirement                        
  1. Must be 30 years old 
  2. Must be a state resident 
  3. Must be a citizen for 9 years
  1. Money, gender, race, name familiarity, fund raising ability, experience, party
Other Senators can exclude a member with a majority vote
This has been done on  3        occasions
Senators  have the power to punish their colleagues for disorderly conduct
With a   2/3 majority          vote the senate can expel one of its members
This has been done    15          times
14 of which were during the     Civil War                         



BR 1-16-14

 I'm not sure because we still see teen girls getting pregnant in the county. A lot actually, so I don't know if it's a change in the years considering I've only lived here for two years and the pregnancy rate seems the same to me as it was when I first moved here.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

BR 1-15-14

My favorite president would probably be John F. Kennedy because I believe he was a good president and tried to somewhat bring peace to America.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

BR 1-14-14

1.) Joe Manchin and Jay Rockefeller
2.) Mary Poling

Monday, January 13, 2014

BR 1-13-14

No I don't like West Virginia being represented this way. People are saying we are uneducated, but that's not true. West Virginia is well educated, but at the same time mistakes happen here like everywhere else.
BR 1-10-14

1.) I think it's possible for the security to keep the athletes and the people watching safe, but it's also possible for something to go wrong. I think it's brave for everyone who does go considering the history of attacks Russia has had.
 2.) If I had the option I wouldn't go just because of the past bombings and attacks.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

BR 1-9

1.) I think the parents should have the say in whether or not their daughter gets a feeding tube because it's their child's life. They should have the decision.
2.) If I were the parents I would be furious, not only because the hospital suggested taking their child off the feeding tube, but also because they performed a procedure that left her brain dead.