Thursday, March 6, 2014

Section 1.)
 The presidents job description is what the president does during his term of office.
He is the chief of state meaning he is the boss of the people. He is the most powerful office in the world. He is the director of the Executive Branch. Main Architect of foreign policy. Leader of the nations armed forces, he gives congress an agenda, leader of the political party. Representative of all the people of America. 400,000. Qualifications: Natural born citizen, 35 years old, must be a resident of 14 years in U.S. before running for election.

Section 2.)
Presidential Succession:
     If the president dies the Vice President takes over. This has happened nine times. Presidential Act of 1947. If there were still a president, but the Vice President dies then the President selects a new vice president and is voted on by the majority of the house.

Section 4.)
Presidential Nominations:
     They start out by going to fundraiser, and then later they go to a national convention. The National Convention is where two parties vote on who they want for their presidential and vice presidential elections.

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