Thursday, March 6, 2014

We're going to miss Mr. Grady because he's the best !

Notes 3-5-14

  • The executive branch: Prez, vice prez, and his cabinet. The Prez chooses his cabinet.
  • The Prez carries out the laws and is head of the executive branch.
  • Roles of the Prez: Chief of state- the head of the government. Chief Executive- power domestically and abroad. Chief Administrator- manager of the executive branch. Chief Diplomat- head of foreign policy. Head of military, cannot declare war. Main author of public policy, makes up congressional agenda. Leader of his party.
  • Qualifications: Natural born citizen, at least 35, lived within the U.S. for at least 14 years. JFK was the youngest president ever elected.
  • The Presidential Term: 4 years, originally no formal limit on the term, George
    Washington set the precedent-refused to seek a third term. FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office. 22nd amendment Prohibits you from serving 2 years or 10 years.
  • Presidential Pay: Determined by congress, 400,000, cannot not be changed during a presidential term, cannot receive any other pay for work. Extras: Mansion, Air Force One, Personal Bodyguard, Camp David(Vacation spot), Health Care(Continues after he is President), Armored car.
Important Slides:
1.) The 25th amendment made it law that if the Prez died the Vice Prez would become the new Prez.
2.)If the Prez is disabled and unable to proceed taking over, The Prez informs congress to discharge his duties and the Vice Prez takes over until the Prez is better and able to resume duties.
3.)The Vice Prez has little power, but can preside over the Senate and help decide the question of Presidential Disability.
4.)Nixon replaced Spiro with General Ford.
5.) Same number of senators and house of representatives.
6.)Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson each tied with votes, and had to revote.
7.) The reaction to the Election of 1800 lead to separation of the Vice Prez and Prez elections.

    National Convention:
1.) Called every four years to officially nominate presidential candidates.
2.) Do three things: Introduce candidates to the nation, Adopt a party platform (Ideas, beliefs of the party), Stir up popular support (Stir up excitement for the election).
3.) Began in early 1900s as a reaction to party boss dominated politics.
4.) Two different types: Delegate selection primary, Candidate preference primary.
5.) Began as winner takes all (if you win the state you get the delegates)
6.) Caucuses are meetings of a political party which gather to pick delegates to the national convention.
7.) The convention schedule: 1rst day: speeches, getting to know what's up, 2nd day: Adopt a platform, pump up speeches, talk in favor for the party, 3rd day: Select the Vice Presidential Candidate, 4th day: Select the Presidential Nominee. Each delegate states who won his vote. Candidate chosen gives an acceptance speech.
8.) Nominee Characteristics: Nominated, usually have a long run of political experience, recently governorship has been important, usually protestants from large states, good speakers who seem to have stable family lives and healthy appearances

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